English expressions
A lot on my plate
Meaning: Many responsibilities
. Origin: First used in the 1900s. Refers to a plate that's heaping full of food and difficult to balance when carrying it to a table. Now, imagine those are your responsibilities!
have a lot on my plate with work and school.
She has a lot on her plate at work these days. She's managing three projects.
An apple a day keeps the doctor away
Meaning: Eating healthy keeps you from getting sick.
Origin: First seen in the late 1800s to early 1900s in Wales. In old English, an apple could refer to any round fruit so it may be related to the fact that healthy eating is vital for good health.
My mother used to say, “An apple a day keeps the doctor away.”
Don't forget that an apple a day keeps the doctor away! Stop eating so much junk food!

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