注ぐという作り方をしてた。でも最近はCold Brewという作り方を使ってる!Cold brewというのは挽いたコーヒー豆が直接に常温お水に入れて、冷蔵庫に24時間ぐらい置きておく作り方。猫舌の僕はcold brewの方が好きです!それに、cold brewで淹れたコーヒーが甘くて苦くない!写真は下北沢にあるBear Pond Espressoというカフェのコーヒ豆とBlue Bottleのコーヒー豆です!
Recently I’ve been brewing my own coffee. At first I used the pour-over method, where one places freshly ground coffee beans over a filter paper and pour hot water over it, allowing the water to extract the flavor from the beans and dripping into a cup. However, recently I’ve been trying the cold-brew method, where one places ground coffee into cold water and letting it steep over night. I like the cold brew method more, as I generally don’t like hot drinks. Cold brew coffee also generally doesn’t taste as bitter!

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