Today was a really great day! I have
wonderful friends and family! 昨日の夜、友達とジムに行きました。その後、私たちはお菓子を買いました。帰った時、アメリカのs'moresを作って、お菓子を食べたがら映画を見ました。彼女は夜で泊まりました。今朝、私は馬にエサをあげることが出かけながら、彼女が皿洗ってくれました!本当に優しいですね😭💕
Last night, I went to the gym with my friend. After that, we bought sweets. When we got home, we made American s’mores and watched a movie while we ate our sweets. My friend stayed the night. This morning, while I was out feeding the horses, she did the washing up for me! She’s really kind 😭💕
We went to the city together so we could have lunch at a Japanese restaurant. It was Westernised food so it was only so-so but it was my first time eating takoyaki. It was still delicious, though. My friend paid for the entire meal! I’m lucky to have such a kind friend 🥲Sometimes I wonder why I’m not attracted to women😂
After that, we went shopping and I bought some really cool new Bose headphones!
After I said see you to my friend, I went to meet my family. We had dinner together. A long time ago I was almost born in this restaurant! They gave me ice cream with a candle in because it was my birthday😊My nephew had the best dessert 😂

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