、天井に乗っていたかなり大きなゲジゲジがいたことを見ました。ゲジゲジが本当に嫌いけど、殺すよりむしろ器で捕まえて外で放したかったです。でも、捕まえるところだったのに、ゲジゲジは急に移動して器の縁で潰れることになってしまいました。そのあと、ゲジゲジは移動を止めたので、誤って殺されてしまったようです。外で放したけど、まだ動かしていませんでした。なんと不幸な過失です。結局、私はゲジゲジを殺すつもりはなかったです。 A little bit ago, I noticed that my cat was staring at the ceiling. So I looked up and saw a pretty big thousand legger (centipede) on the ceiling. I hate them with a passion, but I wanted to catch it with a container and release it outside rather than kill it. But just as I was about to capture it, it suddenly moved and ended up being crushed by the edge of the container. After that, it stopped moving, so it seems it was killed accidentally. I released it outside, but it still wasn’t moving. What an unfortunate accident. After all, I didn’t intend to kill it.

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