“어떤 순간들은, 그냥 영원히 간직하고 싶을 뿐이야. 그러나 그 아름다움은 놓아주는 데 있다.”
moments, you just want to hold on forever. But the beauty is in letting go.” A lovely autumn Sunday 😍😍

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Vicky 2019.10.27 07:28
Katherine 2019.10.27 07:30
Tony 2019.10.27 07:34
영어수정좀해주세요. 2019.10.27 07:35
Katherine 2019.10.27 07:42
Katherine 2019.10.27 07:43
Vicky 2019.10.27 07:43
Katherine 2019.10.27 07:58
Amy 2019.10.27 08:00
Mr. Hwang 2019.10.27 08:18
Katherine 2019.10.27 08:23
Katherine 2019.10.27 08:23
Mr. Hwang 2019.10.27 08:23
사과꽃 2019.10.27 09:50
정어리떼 속 Dolphin 2019.10.27 14:20
Katherine 2019.10.27 20:55
Katherine 2019.10.27 20:56
정어리떼 속 Dolphin 2019.10.28 01:37
Katherine 2019.10.28 02:01
정어리떼 속 Dolphin 2019.10.28 03:12
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