어제 저녁에 떡볶이를 요리했어요 😆💕 진~짜 맛있었어요~ 😚💗
Also would anyone be kind
enough to tell me what other dishes I could cook using 고추장?? Obviously I still have a lot left 😂😆🙈

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Jaimie 2020.07.19 08:06
مرايم 2020.07.19 08:08
Ciao 2020.07.19 08:19
مرايم 2020.07.19 08:26
김민겸 2020.07.19 09:08
مرايم 2020.07.19 09:25
김민겸 2020.07.19 09:26
JIN 2020.07.19 10:42
مرايم 2020.07.19 11:10
JIN 2020.07.19 14:11
Min. 2020.07.31 18:47
مرايم 2020.07.31 20:50
Michael 2020.10.19 18:12
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