Hello talk is a platform that let the worldwide people
learning variety languages.I REGRET didn't met HT 6 years ago...But,still doesn't matter,since this is really a good apps,so even I just join here 2 months ago,what I have been learned here are more than I expect. First,I have a good chance for practice my Korean everyday with native speaker,this is my dream...and HT help me to realise my dream:)
(The following is all the advantages at HT that I don't know it will be happen before I join HT )
2nd:I have the chance to meet Cantonese language learner and share my mother toungue with them,I only have chance to use Cantonese when talk to my family member,and they are so busy and I can't meet them frequetly.And now,HT let me have a home feel everyday when I share about Cantonese language
3rd:I can learn English too~
4 th:meet other language learners, I plan to learn Japanese,Arabian,Spanish,Italian,German,
Tagalog. I have chance to prestudy those languages before I start it,so AMAZING
(After a while,I just notice that,Hello Talk is an apps that not only for you to learn languages.why?LET ME TELL YOU)
5th:I love drawing, I met a talented member and learn sketching skill from him
6th:I love cooking,especially Korean food,via HT ,I can see Korean cuisine from time to time during the day
7th:I want to learn Korean song, via HT I met many talented singer sang good song
I LOVE YOU! HELLO TALK,you are my LOVER FOREVER감 사 합 니 다 😊

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