Covid19... what have I been doing since you came...
since 2
015 I started gardening then years after that I started traveling so I didn't get to but I was planning to get back at it this year... the coronavirus gave me a boost. I think I've mentioned before that growth is slow and gradual and I think that's usually the process. You just gotta keep at it and be patient with yourself. During this pandemic it wasn't because of freaking out but some thing started digging in my lettuces... it started one day then came back a second day... I was worried by the third my baby lettuces would be gone! So in one day I built a fenced garden around it and it took a total of 7 hours. Boy was I beat! In this process I realized that when I work hard it's not a bad thing but I need to remember to be patient with myself. I don't think I took a break and I worked till the sun went down to protect my lettuces lol... but I was pretty tired afterwards. Ever since... I've been wanting to do a list of projects which is perfect for this time but there's only one me so... one project at a time and excited to see what it will become in a week to weeks then months etc. On rainy days I can't used tools so I stay in and work on other things... and school-that's still going on... I don't like online classes to begin with and I miss going to class but a challenge that keeps me growing isn't too bad so I will continue on.
Hope everyone is doing well! Just because we are locked in doesn't mean things have to be miserable. Stop living in fear be cautious and get things done son lol... Hang in there!!!! I actually haven't been online much unless it's for school or researching. Feel free to chat in the room! People are friendly :) I just realize each day how beautiful the earth is.... how a seed grows its reallyyyy amazing! Extraordinary!!!
grow grow GROWWWWWWW🌱

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