많은 분들을 헷갈리게 하는 "know"와 "think"
~ 생각했던 게 맞았으면:
I knew what she
said was right. (그녀의) 말은 맞는 것을 알았어.
I knew he would come.
(그가) 올 것을 알았어.
I know it's true.
그것은 사실인 것을 알아.
~ 생각했던 게 틀렸으면:
I thought what she said was right. (but it wasn't...)
(그녀의) 말은 맞는 줄 알았어. (하지만 틀리고 말았어...)
I thought he would come. (but he didn't...)
(그가) 올 줄 알았어. (하지만 오지 않았어...)
I think it's true. (but it might not be...)
그것은 사실인 줄 알아. (하지만 사실이 아닐 수도 있어...)

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