🗣 Lately, I have been dealing with a lot of disrespectful men
on this app. On many occasions, I watch how some men (not all, not you if this doesn’t apply to you) treat women.Then I thought to myself, maybe even out loud, would they treat their mothers, daughters, sisters, aunts, or any women in life this way?
Even more so, would they even talk to other men this way? Probably not. Then I thought, some lady must of treat them bad for them to treat a complete stranger bad. But those are just excuses. Your environment doesn’t always have to reflect your decisions. If there was a choice to treat people good or bad, why treat them bad?
Weak people like to pick on other people. They like to do it in front of an audience so they can appear like they are above all. If you have the choice to be kind and respectful, be it. You will never be happy at the expense of being disrespectful towards them.

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