滋賀県に用事があって、後で「力餅」を食べて抹茶を飲んだ。🍵 お餅の食感がしっとり柔らかくて、いつの間にか食べきった。😅
あとで琵琶湖に沿って散歩して、ちょっとリラックスできた。⛴ 最近、仕事がまた忙しくなった。数時間だけだったけど、ゆっくりに過ごせてよかった 🙏After running some errands in Shiga, I ate "chikara mochi" and drank matcha. 🍵 The texture of the mochi was really moist and soft. Before I knew it, I ate it all. 😅
Afterwards, I was able to relax a bit by walking along Lake Biwa. ⛴ Recently, work has gotten busy again. I'm glad I could slow down, even if it's only for a few hours. 🙏

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