をたくさん使った!いい練習だった!色々な場所に行った!最初は東京後で、小田原、静岡、御殿場、大阪、京都、と奈良!たくさん食べたよー日本の料理は最高だったー カナダより最高ー!カレー、ほうとう、うどん、ラーメン、そば、おでん、たこ焼き、お好み焼き、メロンパン、ハンバーグ、かき氷、とだんごを食べてみた!全部美味しかった!!友達たちに会うのは久しぶりだった!めっちゃ会いたかった!日本に住んでみたいよー 🇯🇵Yesterday, I came home from a trip to japan! I didn’t want to return though lol!it was my first time there! I went with my best friend and her boyfriend! we had lots of fun together! I got to use japanese a lot while I was there! It was really good practice! I went to a lot of places! Tokyo was first, then after I went to Odawara, Shizuoka, Gotemba, Osaka, Kyoto, and Nara! I ate a lot of stuff haha 😅 I got to try Japanese curry, houtou, udon, ramen, soba, oden, takoyaki, okonomiyaki, melon bread, hamburger steak, shaved ice and dango! All of it was so good!! It had been a while since I’d seen all my friends! I really missed them! I really want to live in japan 🇯🇵

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