2019 Book Reviews
#9 Will You Please Be Quiet, Please? by Raymond
Carver. This short story collection excels in reflecting American life in the mid 20th century. It contains stories about normal working class people and is written in a very minimal style that makes no use of unnecessary flowery prose. These are stories for normal people about normal people.
Here you will meet waitresses, neighbors, salesmen, husbands, wives and teenagers. All in the midst of their lives and you'll get a snapshot into these lives for a brief moment. You'll encounter lying, cheating, joking, boredom, awkwardness, love, loss, frustration and rage. The stories can mostly be read in around fifteen or twenty minutes and will stay with you for a much longer time.
This, so far, is the best short story collection I've read.
My rating: 9.2/10

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