Pub Culture of Britain
"If you haven't been to a
pub, you haven't been to Britain." 如果你没到过我们的一个酒吧,那么你没到过英国。
When you're grown up, please feel free to go in. There's no gun in the pub. It's not an American movie.
2)在我们国家,酒吧是一个很重要的交际处,人们在这里聊天喝酒,大部分时间,没有人制作麻烦事儿在这里。 In Britain, pubs are a very important social occasion where people gather, chat and drink. In most cases, people don't make trouble here.
3)🏃人们这里看比赛,支持自己喜欢球队 。但是如果你支持Italian球队,不能穿ItaIian队衣服出现那支持Spanish球队的酒吧。 People watch games here and support their favorite teams, but if you support the Italian team, don't go to the pub that supports the Spanish team.
4)🍻"小费" 尊重酒保的行为是请他喝一杯,所以请别给他小费。 Speaking of tips, you should never offer the bar staff a cash gratuity. The correct behaviour is to offer them a drink.
In a word, you know your classmates, retired neighbors and future friends in the bar.
🐿You can learn English in various ways, but there are some cultures in our country. If you want to know, I will share these with you.
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I'll talk about dating culture in the future.
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