またあたたかい日がくる。- Warmer days will come again.
A day in May 🌨
day I was sitting in front of my computer today and watched the snow fly through the window. The black-billed magpies were loving it. These birds move in flocks and make quite a raucous racket. Later in the day, a small herd of deer passed through the meadow. I am sure they don't mind the weather either, all that moisture will help the tasty grasses grow.
Finally, it was time to shut down and luckily, the clouds parted enough to even let some rays of sunshine break through! I could not let the opportunity pass by and headed out. Down by the lake, things were pretty quiet. Then I saw that the cormorants had arrived. The double-crested cormorants winter in the south and breed here.
It was a nice scene with the surrounding hills shrouded in clouds and covered with a thin white blanket. It was chilly, I had my winter jacket on, hat and gloves to stay warm.
It was still early and so I decided to drive to a little higher elevation for a quick hike. I thoroughly enjoyed the frozen landscape that I found there. The last two photos are just the beginning. I have a whole series from there ready to share. Please stay tuned for Part 2! 😎

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