作者名称 国旗国籍




2020.09.06 13:55

I had English group meeting today at Coex mall in a long time

There were much less people in subway and Coex mall due to the social distance rules in Seoul.
We had spicy noodles with boiled chicken and dumplings for dinner. 

오늘은 영어 모임 친구들과 오랜만에 코엑스몰에서 만났어요. 사회적 거리두기 2.5단계로 인해 지하철에도, 코엑스몰에도 사람이 별로 많지는 않더군요. 저녁식사는 초계비빔국수와 만두를 먹었어요.
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  • David 2020.09.06 14:08


    I had English group meeting today at Coex mall in a long time.

    It's been a while since I had ourbEnglish group meeting today at Coex mall.

    There were much less people in subway and Coex mall due to the social distance rules in Seoul.

    There were much less people in the subway and Coex mall due to the Stage 2.5 social distancing rules in Seoul.

  • Joseph 2020.09.06 14:26


    @David Thank you for the correction.

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