🇯🇵 :
イギリスで一番人気の植物ミルクのブランドはアルプロ (alpro
) です! 友達は私に日本のアルプロは結構人気けど大きい種類がない。
私の好きな味は ソヤミルク!
先週パンケーキを作りながらカシューミルクを使った! 去年ココナツ味も使った!
🏴 /🇬🇧 :
Recently I've been talking about plant-based milk with my 3 hellotalk friends. The most popular plant-based milk brand in England is alpro. I've heard there's alpro in Japan too but not a big variety. My favourite flavour is soya but we also sell cashew, rice, almond, oats, hazelnut etc... Last week while making pancakes I added cashew milk. And last year i made pancakes with the coconut version. Can you buy plant-based milk in your town? And have you tried it before, what's your favourite flavour?

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