Today(technically yesterday since I didn’t have time to write a moment) is July 4th, which is also known as Independence Day in America. Independence Day is the day where we celebrate the signing of the Declaration of Independence which established the original 13 American colonies as becoming free from the British Empire, and becoming independent states. So to celebrate, Americans do things like have picnics, shoot off fireworks, go to see firework displays, among other things.
My mom decided to have a small picnic, so I went to her house. My sister, her husband, my niece, and my step-brother also came. The typical food that is made for these kinds of picnics include hamburgers, hotdogs, beans, fruit salad, etc. After dinner, we went to pick even more blueberries that had ripened. After that, we lit some sparklers so my niece could see them, but she’s still too young to be able to play with them. And then my mom’s neighbors shot off some fireworks, but my niece was scared of them. But overall, it was a good night. Just as we were about to leave to head home, I found a tiny frog jumping across the driveway. I was even able to catch it for a moment. It was cute, but it peed in my hand 😂
Also, when a Federal holiday is on a Sunday, the next day is also a holiday. Hooray 😌

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