1) 很差。Sucks是个动词:The weather today sucks 今天的天气真差!
2) 肉麻 (sappy
/corny): I'm so sick of sappy love songs 我很厌倦肉麻的情歌。 3) 痒"Itches: The mosquito bite itches / The mosquito bite is itchy 蚊子咬的好痒。
4) 没事儿 no sweat/no problem:
A: Can you bring me KFC 可以帮我带KFC吗?B: No sweat 没问题。
5) 一起玩 let's go out: I want to go out 想出去玩
6) 小气鬼 cheapskate: She won't pay, she's a big cheapskate 她不会付的,她是个小气鬼。
7) 出点钱 chip in: I'll chip in for lunch / gas 中饭 / 油钱我出一部分。
8) 没钱了!Broke: Her family is broke 她的家庭破产了。Business is bad, his restaurant is broke 生意不好,他的餐厅破产了。
9) 在家吃还是出去吃?Eat out or eat in? Let's eat in today 我们今晚在家吃吧。
10) 花费太多 Break the bank: Buying a house in China will break the bank 在中国买房子费用很高。

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