I left this country a month ago and still miss it deeply.
used to be one the most dangerous countries in the world and to this day, maybe for good reason, that perception still exists. However, that is largely due to recent popular media focusing on the life and times of “he who shall not be named”. One of the most best things about travel is the ability to form your own perceptions through organic, first-hand experiences. I’ll go ahead and share my first-hand experience so that I can help change this narrative - a promise I made to a Medellin tour guide and native. Colombia was the most beautiful country I’ve ever visited, filled with so many warm and upbeat people who were always eager to help me when I was a confused tourist. I was lucky enough to visit this country during its rebirth, as many Colombians desperately seek to change the world’s perception of their beloved country. Even as a gringo tourist, I always felt welcomed and was able to practice my Spanish with so many friendly people.
“Magical realism” is a style of fiction that paints a realistic view of the modern world while also adding magical elements. This genre was born in Colombia. After two weeks of traveling through this country, I can see why. Gracias por todo, Colombia. Te veré de nuevo. ✌️🇨🇴
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