외국 친구가 있어요? 롱디 우정이라고 어떻게 생각해요? 직접 안 만난 친구도 있어요? 그 친구랑 언제부터 친
했어요? 다 알려주세요~ 😊外国人の友達がいますか? 連距離フレンドについてどう思ってますか? インターネットで知り合って実際に会ったことない友達もいますか? こんな友達ってどのくらい居ますか? 教えてください!😊
Do you have any international friends? What's your opinion on long-distance friendships? Do you have friends you've never met in real life? How long have you been friends for? Tell me your story~😊
제 친구들 거의 다 외국에서 오고 세계에 살고 있는 사람들이라서 자주 못 만나요 😩 유학 때 여행 때 새로운 사람들이랑 놀고 친하게 돼요. 다들이랑 연락하는 건 굉장히 힘들지만 좀 시간이 있으면 친구 몇명이랑 비디오콜 해요~ 너무 좋은 거죠?? 🌏
グローバル友達の知り合うことは留学したしよく旅行しますから。せっかく皆とずっと連絡して見たのに、できないそうなので都合がよかったら友達何人とビデオコールします!楽しいね? 🌎
Most of my friends come from abroad and live in different places around the world so I cannot see them often. They're usually the people I met on an exchange year or when travelling. It's hard to keep in touch with everyone but I love videochatting with some when we have some free time (even though our time zones are usually so different)! 🌍

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