It’s really hard to make long lasting friendships here... most
people just stop talking after a week (´༎ຶོρ༎ຶོ`)

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Chloe 2020.11.10 10:26
Sara 2020.11.10 10:28
Ryoya_66 2020.11.10 10:28
泰妍 tiba 2020.11.10 10:34
Moshy 2020.11.10 10:37
Sadia khan 2020.11.10 11:41
ilyana 2020.11.10 13:00
mɇm 2020.12.07 14:47
trashgod 2020.12.08 23:01
Chloe 2020.12.09 09:35
Yu 2020.12.14 17:36
Ryoya_66 2020.12.30 02:10
Amy 2021.02.08 00:12
Elisabeth 2021.02.09 04:07
dasom_ 2021.02.21 03:58
dasom_ 2021.02.21 03:58
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