アメリカ人の友達は日本に来た時、おでんを初めて食べた 🍢 ほとんとの日本料理が美味しいと言ったけど、おでんは無理だった。
あと日本酒が好きなので日本酒の居酒屋に行った🍶 オーナーが日本しかないから飲んでみようと思って、彼のグラスを取っておでんの出汁を入れてよく混ぜて出汁割りを作ってあげた!🤣When my friend from America visited Japan, he tried oden for the first time. 🍢 He liked almost everything he ate in Japan, but he couldn't eat oden. Also, my friend likes sake, so later we went to drink at a sake izakaya. 🍶 The owner thought he'd have my friend try a drink that's only in Japan. He took my friend's glass, poured some oden broth, mixed it, and made dashiwari! 🤣
数年前の話だけど、今もたまたまおでんを見たら、友達にいきなりおでんの写真を送ってあげる 🤳
This was a few years ago, but even now, if I happen to see oden, I send my friend a photo from out of nowhere.
そういえば、おでんの時期になっちゃったね... 😈
Speaking of which, it's almost oden season, isn't it?

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