In the past 4 days I just started learning 汉字 And this is what
I’ve learned so far. I have been studying repetitively over. I am really excited about my journey and I can’t wait to see where it takes me. Just remember don’t be so hard on yourself. fall you will stumble but you don’t have to give up ☺️☺️. Keep trying and do your very best. I will keep practicing to get better I won’t give up. I believe in you guys keep Learning English!! I have a lot of passion for Chinese culture so learning Chinese is not hard for me but it is a lot of work I believe when you really want some bad enough you can overcome the obstacles when it comes to studying... have a great day and good luck studying!! ☺️☺️🤗🙏🏼🙏🏼❤️❤️Download the HelloTalk app to join the conversation.