今回直せた。先年車のバンパーが柱のベースに引っ掛かった。😭最近時間があったから、自分で直してみた。やった事がないけど、チャレンジしたかった。直すのはいまいち。でもフェラリじゃないだから、これは充分。😂どう? ワックスしなければならないな。😌
In life, there are various incidents that’s happen. Sometimes you can just put a bandaid on it and go. Other times you can fix but it takes more effort. And at times, fixing it is impossible.
This time I could fix it. Last year my car bumper got caught on the base of a pole. 😭Recently, I had time so I tried to fix it. Inwant d to try even though I’ve never done it before. It’s not quite good. But my car isn’t a Ferrari so it’s good enough for me.
But I gotta was it.

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