なった言葉の英訳を教えたいと思います。皆さんの参考になれば幸いです。1. 積ん読: Buying books but not reading them. 📚
2. 食い倒れ: Bringing ruin upon yourself by spending too much on food. 💸🌮🌯🍜🍝🍟🍱🥘🍛🍔
3. 鯨飲馬食: Drink like a whale and eat like a horse.🐳🐎
4. 辻斬り: Killing a passerby with a sword just to test it. ⚔️
5. 絶対領域: The exposed skin between knee-high socks and the hemline of a short skirt👌
6. 毛唐: Me😐

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