ことしのなつもどこかにドライブにいきたいです。- I want to drive somewhere again this
summer.Trip journal from last summer's driving tour of Yellowstone National Park continued...
🔸️Day 9 - Part 3:
Here we are still in the Old Faithful area of the park. Some more pools and geysers were to be admired, but time was running short. We ended up at Castle geyser, a very cool cone geyser that erupts every 10-12 hours. A final stop was the General Store, the first store in the area built in 1897. We got ice cream to cool down in the heat!
We walked by the Old Faithful Inn again, which I described in an earlier post. Always photogenic! It is usually teeming with people in the summer, its busiest time.
We had to get back on the road since we got news that the raging fire (seen in the 5th photo) was blocking the road south. This meant we had to take a long detour through much of the park, about an extra 62 miles, or some two and half additional hours. The original plan was to stop at Great Teton and have a late afternoon swim, but now we'd have no time for that.
There is one more part to this day, I have a few final shots to share which I could not fit here...

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