作者名称 国旗国籍




2021.09.15 15:14


To be shown the red card - means to be dismissed

from your job
The company Accountant was shown the red card, after they found out he was using company money for personal gain

To be in the red - To have an overdraft, be in debt to your bank, or owe an institution some money
I’ve got three credit card bills to pay off at the moment. I hate being in the red!

To be out of the red - To be out of debt
Our company is finally out of the red now. We’ve managed to pay back our loan, and now we’re making profit!

A red flag - A signal that something is not working properly or correctly
The fallen trees along the road raised a red flag for the safety inspectors

Red hot - Something new and exciting, creating much demand
The new video game is red-hot. Some fans have been waiting outside stores for days, to get a hold of them!

Red in the face
To become embarrassed
I went red in the face when the teacher told me off in front of everyone for arriving late!

A journey that leaves late at night and arrives early in the morning
We had to catch the red-eye flight last night, and I’m completely exhausted now.

Red-letter day
A day that is memorable because of some important event
The day I graduated was a red-letter day for my mum, she still talks about it today!

Red tape
The term used for bureaucratic delay, or excessive formalities, and attention to rules and regulations, often resulting in injustice to the ordinary citizen
I just want to start my own business, but the amount of red tape involved is so frustrating, that it almost makes me want to give up!

To see the red light
To recognise approaching danger. The red light is referred to as a danger signal

Paint the town red
To go out and have a really good time at a party

Roll out the red carpet
To greet a person with great respect, and give them a big, warm welcome
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  • Ghena 2021.09.15 15:19


    Many of them are new for me! 🙈 Thanks 👍🌸🌷
  • Safa 2021.09.15 16:24


    I didn't get the red flag's meaning?
  • dôrÿ 2021.09.15 17:35


    @Safa ared flag is a sign to alarm people about something dangerous likevin example trees clog the road so they raise a red flag
  • dôrÿ 2021.09.15 17:35


    @Safa ared flag is a sign to alarm people about something dangerous likevin example trees clog the road so they raise a red flag
  • dôrÿ 2021.09.15 17:35


    @Safa ared flag is a sign to alarm people about something dangerous likevin example trees clog the road so they raise a red flag
  • dôrÿ 2021.09.15 17:35


    @Safa ared flag is a sign to alarm people about something dangerous likevin example trees clog the road so they raise a red flag
  • dôrÿ 2021.09.15 17:35


    @Safa ared flag is a sign to alarm people about something dangerous likevin example trees clog the road so they raise a red flag
  • dôrÿ 2021.09.15 17:35


    @Safa ared flag is a sign to alarm people about something dangerous likevin example trees clog the road so they raise a red flag
  • dôrÿ 2021.09.15 17:35


    @Safa ared flag is a sign to alarm people about something dangerous likevin example trees clog the road so they raise a red flag
  • dôrÿ 2021.09.15 17:35


    @Safa ared flag is a sign to alarm people about something dangerous likevin example trees clog the road so they raise a red flag
  • Safa 2021.09.15 18:03


    @dôrÿ Got it, thanks a lot 🤩
  • mo 2021.09.15 19:55


    We know for sure that you like the red color
  • Afaf 2021.09.15 22:39


    Is there an idiom about "red hand" ? I think I've heard it somewhere

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