「今年はクリボっちが初めて」This year is my first “lonely Christmas”! I didn
’t even know there was a word for it in Japanese! 「この言葉は英語ではありません」There is no word/slang for it in the States that I’ve ever heard.「アメリカでは、クリスマスは家族向けです」In the US, we spend Christmas Eve and Day with our families. If you have a boyfriend/girlfriend, they typically join you at your families parties.
「最初は悲しかった。 でも今は大丈夫です 」At first I was sad, but I’m slowly becoming okay with it. I’m learning to be happy on my own and not rely on someone else for my happiness.
These are some gifts I got from family and friends. 🎁 「HELLOTALKの友人MOEからプレゼントを受け取りました。 とても幸せです」Also got a special present from my girl friend Moe on HELLOTALK!

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