Please correct me if I’m wrong.
トーストを作った。長い時間がかかったけど、トースター味が全部違うでした。テクスチャにはもっといいなので、最近私はフライパンより多くのトースターを使用します。 ✨ This morning I made myself a bread toast using a frying pan. It does take a longer time, but it tastes different than using the toaster. The texture is better, and so I've been using the pan more than the toaster. 😆
First, I lay the bread on a heated pan and continue to heat both sides of the bread until it turns slightly brown. Second, I spread the peanut butter on one side of the bread and heat until it melts, and that's all.
温かくて、とろけるようなピーナッツバターは凄く美味しかった。しかし、冷めるのパンもすきです。ピーナッツバターはパンに付くとサクサクやフワフワした歯触りがあった。 もし他のトピックあったら、きっと美味しいです。😋😋😋
The warm, melty peanut butter was super good! But I like it after the bread cools down too. The peanut butter sticks onto the bread and gives a soft and crunchy texture. I'm sure it would taste delicious with other toppings too.
After that, I had some cookies. I used to eat them when I was small, add some milk, and it would be the best combination. Though this tastes sweeter and softer than the brand that we used to get. Nowadays, it's hard to find them here, but these were good enough to satisfy the craving.

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