Dear Boys,
(the flirty 10% of you - not all)
I am single,
but that doesn't mean that I want to flirt with you. I don't. I don't want a boyfriend right now. Even if I did, HelloTalk isn't where I would come to look for one. This is not Tinder. This is not a dating app. So, don't treat it as such. If two people meet here and fall in love then brilliant. Good for them. However, it should not be something that you actively seek.
This is my request for you to avoid trying to flirt with me. I don't want it. Even if it comes from mere kindness, please do not compliment my appearance the first time we speak. I find it very uncomfortable when people address me as "beautiful" which happens sometimes. If you message me saying "hey beautiful" then I am likely to ignore you.
Do not ask me about my bedroom habits. Do not ask me about the guys I have slept with. Do not ask me if I have a boyfriend. Do not ask me about my ideal type. Do not ask me if I like Asian or Spanish guys. Do not ask me if I am currently seeing anyone. - if we are going to be friends then you don't need to know any of this information. Furthermore, I will refuse to answer because I find it to be a complete invasion of my privacy.
This is my polite request for you to respect me as a person and do you best to understand that for me, this is a very uncomfortable thing. Some of you may feel the need to be defensive, but this is just my way of letting you know that I do not like the things that I have mentioned in this moment.
Please respect my boundaries as I have now clearly defined them.
Thank you!
(an honest British woman)

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