階から見える景色です。 下にあるのは4年前撮った写真です。そこに一緒に行った人と16時くらいに行くことにして、そこで数時間を過ごしました。街が明るいうちに、太陽が沈むのを見て、夕方になって、街の明かりが徐々に灯っていくのを見ました。
Among the ones I've seen in my life, I think I like the Manhattan skyline the best. Especially the view from the 86th floor of the Empire State Building.
The photos below are ones I took from 4.5 years ago. The person I went with and I decided to go there at around 4:00pm, and we stayed there for a few hours. We were got to see the city while it's bright, saw the sunset, then watched the city lights come to life when evening came.
This was on October 24 2016, and it was autumn then. We took photos with an Instax camera too, but it was quite cold and the pictures didn't develop well. I've seen a lot of skylines in my life, but I haven't seen one as beautiful as Manhattan's🌃

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