Earlier this week I looked at myself in the mirror and said
“Ryan, mate, you’re in lockdown and you’ve taken to this cooking malarkey like a duck to water. Shall we take it up a notch?” I replied to myself “Oh, you. Alright then, you’ve twisted my arm. Let’s do this!” I promptly marched downstairs and produced this utter masterpiece. I call it “Salmon Pie Thing” and my god was it good. Scrumptious, delicious, nutritious and some other words ending in ious would all fail do it justice. Sometimes you have to sit back and say “too good” and I did just that. Perfection. Bonus feature: if you scroll to the final photo there’s an absolute gem of my dad taking fashion to a different stratosphere. Enjoy. #lockdown #losingit #pie #cooking #smashedit #foodporn #foodgasm #chef #letsdigin #dad #fashion #gotthecityonlockdown

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