。好好的去做你的工作就是最大的安全感,不要把任何一种快乐、安全感等等一些东西等等寄托在另外一个人的身上,无论是朋友、爱人、还是孩子等等,所有的这些东西其实需要具备在自己身上。📝📝📝The most loss-making thing in this world is worrying about what hasn't happened yet and worrying about the result of your imagination. You must work hard to get what you want, and they will not fall from the sky. Doing your job well is the greatest sense of security. Don’t put any kind of happiness, security, etc., on another person, whether it’s a friend, lover, or child, etc., all of this Things actually need to be possessed by themselves.
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