The Andian Condor. Flying up to 70 km/h the Inca civilization
considered the condor as immortal. According to the myth, this bird can live up to 75 years. When it gets old and when it feels that it is losing its strength, it alights on the highest peak, retracts its wings and feet, and plummets off into the bottom of a canyon where its reign ends. With this symbolic death, the condor returns to its nest from where it will be reborn into a new cycle of life. The condor represented strength, intelligence, elation and exaltation. It was an animal respected by everyone who had inhabited the Andes, even before America was discovered. An animal responsible not only of good and bad omens, but also of bringing the sun up every morning, bearing their energy allowed them to grab the star and raise it above the mountains so that the vital cycle would begin. It will never leave its partner that it has spent its life with, because it would jump into the canyon if the other leaves this world early.

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