ますか。成城石井やKaldiなどで買えられるかなと思います(高いかもしれませんが)。特に、HobnobsとGinger Nutsがとても美味しくて紅茶によく会います🍪イギリス定番の紅茶Yorkshire Goldも大好きです。濃くて牛乳を入れて飲むと美味しいです☕ このお菓子は結構甘いですのでゆっくりと食べていきたいと思います。見かけたら買ってみてね🐱
My British friend has sent me some tea and snacks from the UK! It's very nostalgic for me and I'm really happy that she thought to send it.
have you tried any of these before?
I think you might be able to buy them at import shops like Seijoishi or Kaldi🌞
I especially love the Hobnobs and Ginger Nuts. They go really well with black tea like Yorkshire Gold, which is another UK staple. It's a very dark tea, so it's a good idea to add some milk to it when you drink it 💡
These snacks are pretty sweet, so I'll pace myself. if you see any of them, buy them and give them a try☕

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