“The horse. Here is nobility without conceit, friendship without
envy, beauty without vanity. A willing servant, yet never a slave.” — Ronald DuncanDownload the HelloTalk app to join the conversation.
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煎饼狗子 2021.07.31 01:07
Justin 2021.07.31 01:11
Archer Primrose Hill 2021.07.31 01:12
Archer Primrose Hill 2021.07.31 01:16
XK 2021.07.31 01:18
Archer Primrose Hill 2021.07.31 01:21
XK 2021.07.31 01:24
Jiang 2021.07.31 02:01
Archer Primrose Hill 2021.07.31 02:03
Jiang 2021.07.31 02:43
Archer Primrose Hill 2021.07.31 03:02
Archer Primrose Hill 2021.07.31 03:12
Jack 2021.07.31 03:16
JenimonPond 2021.07.31 03:29
Archer Primrose Hill 2021.07.31 14:21
Joey 2021.07.31 14:21
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