惠特克太太找到了圣杯,它就在一件皮草大衣下面。 每周星期四下午,惠特克太太都步行去邮局取自己的养老金,但是她腿脚很不方便
。在回家的路上,她会顺路去乐施会商店买点东西。 乐施会商店卖旧衣服、小摆件、杂货和各种各样的东西,还卖很多旧平装书,那些东西全是别人捐赠的二手货,还有很多是有人过世后清理房间剩下的遗物。店里的一切收入都捐给慈善事业。Do you often go to a second-hand goods store? Do you donate your old things, like old paper-bound books, trinkets, odds and ends etc. to a thrift store?
This old woman liked to go there to buy things after stopping to get her pension at the post office. On her way home, because walking was kinda hard for her, she would stop by this shop to buy a couple things. All of the shop’s income was donated to charities.
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