한국에 도착부터 저는 한국인들의 친절함에 압도했습니다!! 🥰 환영하는 메시지를 보내주신 분들에게 감사합니다
☺️ 그리고 제 한국에서의 경험을 편안하게 만들고 있는 분들에게 고맙습니다!❣️그런데 메시지를 많이 받았는데 답장안하면 죄송합니당! 정말 환영 받고 편안한 느낌을 받았어요 ㅎㅎ 제 한국친구의 어머님이 격리된 저를 걱정한다고 했는데 저는 이미 저를 돌봐줄 한국어머님이 있는 것 같아요 🥺 감동이 많이 받았어요 ㅠㅠ 그리고 택시 운전사도 너무 친절했고 서비스 줬어요! 저는 엄청 놀랐는데 영국에서 택시 운전사들은 진짜 절대 친절하지 않거든요 ㅋㅋㅋㅋ 🤣Since arriving in Korea, I have been overwhelmed with the kindness of Korean people! 🥰 Thank you to everyone who sent me a message welcoming me to Korea ☺️ and thank you to those who are making my experience in Korea comfortable❣️By the way, I received a lot of messages so I’m sorry if I did not reply! I feel really welcomed and comfortable hehe. My korean friend’s mother said that she was worried about me in quarantine, so I already feel like I have a korean mum to take care of me 🥺 I was so touched ㅠㅠ Even my taxi driver was so friendly and saved me a lot of money! I was really surprised because in England, taxi drivers are not friendly at all! 🤣

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