A Silent Voice / 聲の形
(Volumes 1-7) / (弟1~7巻)
3年前、友達とDeaf Event(=聾イベント?) に行って、この映画はイギリスの映画館で上映されたのは初めてでした。
大学で最初の年ので、友達の多くにとって、(はっきり)聞こえない人に会ったのも初めてでした。(私の場合は難聴だけど、イベントには聾者がたくさんいました) 😗
Three years ago, I went to a Deaf Event with friends, and this film was being shown in British cinemas for the first time. For a lot of my friends, it was also the first time they had met someone who couldn't hear (clearly). (I'm Hard of Hearing myself, but there were loads of Deaf people at the event) 😗
約1年後、手話クラブを始めた時、たくさんの人は私に近づいて行って日本手話で「私、あなた、友達?」をしました。とてもびっくりしました!!漫画を読んだことがあるってまたは映画を観たことがあります!!イギリス手話ではないけど、よく分かりました。感動しました 😭💗
About a year later, once Sign Language Club had started, a lot of people came up to me and signed in Japanese Sign Language "Me, you, friends?" I was so surprised!! They must have read this book or watched the film!! Even though it wasn't British Sign Language, I understood them very well. I was so touched 😭💗
Even my family doesn't practice Sign Language, so sometimes, when I can't hear anything at all, it's lonely. But if people read this manga and think "WOW! I want to learn Sign Language!" then this is surely a good thing. 🤗
"A Silent Voice" is a really important series to me. Please read it ☺️

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