二日前キャラメルオレオを食べてみました!会社の隣のスーパーで買って来ました。😍❤️ スーパーはいろんな輸入食品があるけど
、最近新しいものをたくさんあります。クッキーとチップスが一番多いです。多分クリスマスのためかな。🤔Two days ago, I tried caramel oreo! I bought them from the supermarket next to my workplace. They have various imported products, and recently more new goods came in. The most are cookies and chips! I wonder, maybe it's because of Christmas.
このキャラメルオレオも新しいもので、見た後凄く嬉しかったです。😭 オレオは普通に甘いものと思うけど、これは甘くなくて、びっくりしました。キャラメルなのにね。キャラメルの匂いはも強くて、味がとても美味しかったです。😋 同僚たちと兄もこのオレオが好きです。💕
This oreo is new too, so I was happy to see it! I thought oreo is usually sweet, but even though this is a caramel flavor, I was surprised that it was not that sweet at all. The caramel smell was strong, and the taste was very yummy! My colleagues and brother love them too!
There are many oreo flavors, I really want to try many different ones!

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