English lesson 1:
The order of a basic sentence in English is
opposite to Korean as Korean is an object orientated language and English is focused on the verb. The order is
Subject Verb Object
Example: I ate breakfast
There are three types of subjects : singular, dual and plural
Singular - 1 person
Dual - 2 people
Plural - 3 + people
The subject is also different depending on gender and person
Person means who is doing the verb
1st person - I, we
2nd person - you (singular) you (dual) they
3rd person - he/she/it/they
There are 3 main types of verbs
Past - An action that has already been done
Present - An action that is happening currently
Future - An action that will happen in the future
Objects are usually nouns
There are 4 main types of nouns:
Common nouns - ordinary things
Example - pen,house,person,cat,plate
Abstract nouns - feelings,ideas or nouns that are not physical things
Example - happy,sad
Collective nouns: a group of nouns
Example: a herd of cows, a shoal of fish, a school of dolphins, a dozen of eggs
Proper nouns: Names of specific nouns,usually names of cities,people, countries
Example: Busan,The London Tower,Kim Namjoon
Note. Proper nouns have to start with a capital letter
I hope this helped :)
I will go into detail in further lessons

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