This time last year, I had just finished my undergraduate degree and had a week of parties with my friends, it was the best time ever and it felt good to celebrate our achievements.
This time last year, I had just finished my undergraduate degree and had a week of parties with my friends, it was the best time ever and it felt good to celebrate our achievements.去年的这个时候,我刚刚大学毕业,和我的朋友们开了一场party庆祝。那是最美好的时刻,庆祝我们获得的成就感觉非常棒。
I will finish my masters degree at the end of this month but sadly won’t be able to celebrate with my friends.
I will finish my masters degree at the end of this month but sadly won’t be able to celebrate with my friends.这个月底我就硕士毕业了,但难过的是,我并不能和我的朋友们庆祝。
It feels strange to not even have a graduation ceremony this year!
It feels strange to not even have a graduation ceremony this year! 一个没有毕业典礼的毕业年份真的让人感觉很奇怪,也很不完整(it feels uncompleted)。
(I would write all this in chinese, but sadly my chinese ability is not good enough hhh) 🎓
(I would write all this in chinese, but sadly my chinese ability is not good enough hhh) 🎓我想把这些话都用中文写下来,但是我的中文并不那么好,难过😔……哈哈哈。