作者名称 国旗国籍




2019.08.11 08:42

♻️Quote of the day♻️
“A vital vacation is needed to find a valuable

vocation” -Gauthi

🔥Message of the quote🔥
Are you still unhappy with what you are doing right now? No worries, you always have a choice. And that’s a good thing about time. Each and every second it gives you another opportunity to change your path. But there’s something called “FEAR” which holds us back from doing it. My expansion of that word is, Fight Embrace And Rebound. No matter what kinds of thoughts holds you back, fiercely fight them for what you love, make yourself super strong and go back pursuing what you love. Remember, it all takes a leap of faith. Now all you need to do is to buy some time to find your true call and make a strategy to achieve it. ✌️😉

🔰Words to your vocabulary bank🔰

🎯Vital(adj): something important.
🎯Vacation(N): Holiday or taking days off from work or study.
🎯Vocation(N):A work which you would love to do even all the time without getting bored.
🎯Embrace(v): to accept something willingly or enthusiastically by making yourself strong.
🎯Fiercely(adv): violently or powerfully.
🎯Rebound(N): to make yourself strong again after becoming a bit weaker.
🎯Pursuing(v): to chase something continuously.
🎯Strategy(n): a plan to achieve something.
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  • Hunt 2019.08.11 12:19


    I'm not sure if the popular advice, follow what you love, is good in most cases.
  • Gauthi 2019.08.11 12:43


    @Hunt Sorry couldn’t record more words within 60 seconds. Remember, some sacrifices are very crucial in order to make some big dreams happen. ✌️😉

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