Tennessee had some very pretty nature and clouds for my eyes
to see.Today's positive quote of the day is
"When you let go you create space for better things, to enter your life"
Learning to let go taught me a valuable thing in life, that holding on things that do you harm then good eventually kills you. So in order for myself to have a better life I let go of the control of things I thought I had. emotions, experience, friends/family I was not in control of any of these things and when I resisted the world would hit back. Only when I realized everything was not in my control and I learn to let go that the world started unraveling and folding beautifully to me things started to shape for the better, I started to feel more lighter in every aspect and happier. The weight of holding on to these things I thought was mine was burying me, and I learned value in simplicity and in myself. So whats something your holding onto.. ask yourself does it serve any purpose? If not learn to let it fade away, the world is trying to work in your favor the more you resist the more conflicts happen and struggles so open up to what your holding onto and learn to let go😊

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