My day today was gym, good food, a few hours of work, go home
, walk round to the back yard and eat good food again 😊. What a day...I’m tired 🤣

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Max 2019.05.25 05:07
Don 2019.05.25 05:08
Allen Chuang 2019.05.25 05:10
Anne 2019.05.25 05:16
囧囧囧 2019.05.25 05:18
Christine Yang 2019.05.25 05:26
²º²º 2019.05.25 05:40
another 2019.05.25 05:45
梦回童年 2019.05.25 06:01
Mathew 2019.05.25 06:02
Mathew 2019.05.25 06:02
Mathew 2019.05.25 06:03
Mathew 2019.05.25 06:04
Mathew 2019.05.25 06:04
harleyw 2019.05.25 06:59
MoMo 2019.05.25 07:39
Nina Huan 2019.05.25 07:47
Sasa 2019.06.15 07:19
Mathew 2019.06.15 08:13
Mathew 2019.06.15 08:21
Mathew 2019.06.15 08:22
Mathew 2019.06.15 08:24
Sasa 2019.06.15 08:45
Mathew 2019.06.15 11:19
Mathew 2019.06.15 11:24
锦鲤er 2019.06.17 06:33
Albert 2019.07.22 11:52
Mathew 2019.07.23 23:34
Mathew 2019.07.23 23:35
Mathew 2019.07.23 23:35
yingzi 2019.07.23 23:41
Mathew 2019.07.24 00:22
Looking back a smile 2020.07.31 06:26
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