先週マカロンを食べました!八味があると全部でとても美味しかったです。💕 でも
、その中で一番好きな味はオレオ、キャラメル、チョコとラズベリーです。ちょっとだけ甘くて、チョコの味は食べるとき、ブラウニーみたいな感じがした。😍 キャラメルの味の中にはキャラメルソースがいっぱいはいてる、美味しすぎました。😋 Last week I had macarons! There were eight flavors, and all of them were yummy! But my favorite flavor was the oreo, caramel, choco, and raspberry. Slightly sweet, and when I ate the choco flavor, it tasted exactly like a brownie. As for the caramel, the inside filled with a lot of caramel sauce, and it was just too good!
Even now, I keep thinking about this macaron, though their price is high, so it's okay to buy them only sometimes.
I love macaron, so recently, I watched Youtube about Korean macarons. They have a thick filling, variety of designs, and the size is big. It looks adorable too.
In Japan, Korean macarons called "トゥンカロン" right? I never had them before, but if next time we have it here, I absolutely will try them!
でも、ここで販売しているマカロンの店が少ないので、食べたい時、遠いところ運転しなければなりません。😣 皆さん、マカロンのことが好きですか?何の味が好きですか?☺️
There are not many places that sell macarons here, and if I want to eat them, I need to drive a little further. Everyone, do you like macarons? What flavors do you like?

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