Differences in culture
日本人: 無理! 周りの目気にしてるし、迷惑になりたくないし
。😳 Japanese person: No way! I'm worried what other people will think of me and I don't want to be a nuisance.
周りの人: いや、気にしてないし、やっても多分気づかないし。😏
Nearby people: Actually we don't care, even if you did it we probably wouldn't notice.
外国人: やっふうぅやってやるよ、どうせ誰にも気にしてないし。
Foreigner: Yeahhh! let's do it! no one cares anyway!😄😁
周りの人: いや、迷惑ですけど。やめて貰えませんか?
Nearby people: Actually that's really annoying, could you please stop.😡
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