Just because I wear makeup doesn’t mean I’m a fake person.
because I may take a selfie with makeup doesn’t mean I wear it 24/7. This post is to show/tell people that makeup is art and if guys/girls choose to wear it; it’s not always fake.
In my last post I was told I needed plastic surgery because my makeup was too fake.
Now, for me plastic surgery is not for me. My face is my face and I don’t want to change that. Some people may say that makeup can change a face and yes it can; but you can also wash it off.
I’m happy with washing it off. Sometimes the natural look is good!
Everyone has their own opinions and that’s fine, but for the person that told me I needed plastic surgery because my makeup was too fake. Well; poor you. The natural look is also a look my dear friend 👌
Also; smashed my workout today 💪🏻🤣

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