发音练习 - 请多多指教 - 花木兰
English reading in the comments.
的差人来到木兰家,送了一份书信给木兰的爸爸,说:“我们国家北边有敌人入侵,皇上要征集士兵,以前的军人都要出征。征集士兵的名单里有你的名字。如果你年纪大了,那么你的儿子可以代替你出征。”说完就走了。 爸爸手拿书信,皱着眉头说不出话。妈妈说:“你年纪大了,身体又弱,病还没有好,怎么办?”
On day, an officer rode to Mulan’s house and gave her father a letter. He said, “The north of our country is under attack from an enemy. The emperor is recruiting soldiers, so all veterans have been drafted. The conscription list has your name on it. Considering you are old, your son can serve in your place.” With that, the officer left.
Holding the letter in his hand, Mulan’s father wrinkled his brows and couldn’t speak a word. Her mother said, “You’re too old and feeble and you haven’t recovered from this illness. What are we going to do?”

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